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Dear Colleague,

Please be advised that Barnet, Enfield, Camden & Haringey LOC are holding an EGM on 30th March 2023 at 8pm via zoom regarding a proposal to merge Islington with our LOC in line with the NCL ICS regional boundary. The resolution for the EGM and the agenda are outlined below:


  • Apologies

  • Resolution. "It it proposed that performers and contractors in Islington be represented by Barnet, Enfield, Camden & Haringey LOC instead of East London, City & Islington LOC in line with the new NCL ICS footprint. It is further proposed that current Islington member(s) can be adopted on to the current LOC committee following this EGM"

  • Any other business

Please email the BECH LOC secretary at for the zoom details


Barnet, Enfield, Camden, Haringey LOC

Extraordinary General Meeting 30th March 8pm


Following our EGM on 30th March 2023 at 8pm. I am writing to inform you that Islington has now formally merged with Barnet Enfield Camden and Haringey LOC following a unanimous vote in favour. 


This merger is in keeping with the NCL ICS boundaries and within the commissioning footprint. It was also deemed preferable by the NCL commissioners & NHSE. 


Your new LOC will be called ‘North Central London LOC’ instead of Barnet Enfield Haringey Camden and Islington LOC. I’d like to welcome our Islington colleagues and to assure them that we will be working just as hard to represent them in all our dealings with stakeholders. 

I have attached a current MECS provider list for Enfield CCG patients. If there are any changes to this please email

I have attached a current MECS provider list for Haringey CCG patients.

Updated 29/01/2021

Please find attached emergency numbers and information at hand that is prepared by the LOC which may be needed in case of any emergency .

Please find attached the updated Primary Care Optometry Referral Guidance letter (August 2020)

Please find attached a document with more information about joining a pilot ereferrals. (May 2021)

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